Prepared by the ASCE 24 Flood Resistant Design and Construction Standards Committee of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE
Flood Resistant Design and Construction, ASCE/SEI 24-24, provides minimum requirements for flood resistant design and construction of structures that are subject to building code requirements or floodplain management regulations in flood hazard areas. This standard applies to new construction, including subsequent work to such structures, and work classified as substantial improvement of existing structures that are not historic structures.
ASCE 24-24 contains significant changes from the previous version and aligns with the ASCE 7-22 Supplement 2: the Flood Hazard Area expanded to include land in the 500-year floodplain; the Design Flood Elevation corresponds to the greater of the elevation set by the community or the elevation pertaining to the MRI flood event for the Flood Design Class plus Sea Level Rise; and flood loads for use in design calculated in accordance with ASCE 7-22 Supplement 2.
This revised standard is intended to meet or exceed FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program requirements and protect public safety and property.
Among others, revisions cover
- Elevation requirements;
- Clarifications to Flood Design Class for agricultural structures, hospitals, health care facilities, and ambulatory care facilities;
- Definitions for residential portions of mixed-use buildings and flood barriers and shields;
- Use of flood mitigation pumps and valves for passage of water and removal of accumulated water;
- Inspection and maintenance needs and flood emergency operation plans; and
- Placement of attendant utilities and equipment; and automatic pressure control valves for gas and fuel supply lines.
ASCE 24-24 updates and replaces the previous version, ASCE 24-14. It provides essential guidance on design and construction to structural engineers, design professionals, code officials, floodplain managers, and building owners. The standard is adopted by reference in model building codes.