Prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee (EJCDC).
Design-Build: Full Set includes the following documents:
1. Guide to Request for Qualifications—Design-Build Project (D-110, 2016)
2. Guide to Request for Proposals—Design-Build Project (D-111, 2016)
3. Price Proposal Form—Design-Build Project (D-425, 2016)
4. Agreement between Owner and Owner’s Consultants (D-500, 2016)
6. Agreement between Design-Builder and Engineer (D-505, 2016)
5. Agreement between Owner and Design-Builder for Progressive Design-Build (D-512, 2016)
6. Agreement between Owner and Design-Builder (Stipulated Price) (D-520, 2016)
7. Construction Subcontract for Design-Build Project (D-523, 2016)
8. Agreement between Owner and Design-Builder (Cost-Plus) (D-525, 2016)
9. Teaming Agreement to Pursue Joint Business Opportunity for Design-Build Project (D-580, 2015)
10. Design-Build Performance Bond (D-610, 2016)
11. Design-Build Payment Bond (D-615, 2016)
12. Design-Builder’s Application for Payment (D-620, 2016)
13. Standard General Conditions of the Contract between Owner and Design/Builder (D-700, 2016)
14. Guide to the Preparation of Supplementary Conditions (Design-Build) (D-800, 2016)
15. Work Change Directive—Design-Build Project (D-940, 2016)
16. Change Order—Design-Build Project (D-941, 2016)